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In this module, you will conduct your work to create a fully realised project. Your submission is through a portfolio documenting your project and its process.

In this module and its assessment, you will conduct the extensive individual research project proposed in DES11155 Creative Research porfolio Part 1. You are expected to demonstrate self-direction and an ability to work independently (LO4)

You will be allocated a supervisor for this module. Your supervisor may not be the same supervisor you had for Part 1. It is your responsibility to ensure your supervisor has the information they require from Part 1

LO4: Exercise substantial autonomy and initiative in professional activities.

LO3: Identify and critically evaluate the appropriateness of relevant creative methods

LO2: Critically reflect on the processes and social, cultural and economic context involved in a major creative outcome.

LO1: Critically evaluate a creative research process to inform and generate ideas.

DES11156 Creative Research Portfolio

What conclusions can be inferred regarding Olympic Sports Ltd.’s subsidiaries sales performance and operations? Remember to include the answers to the three issues/questions raised by Olympic Sports Ltd. top management.

(Table A) Data and trends in sales volume and value by month, by year and across the 3 years period,

Ensure that your project plan explicitly refers to a data analytics project framework and explain how the selected framework can be used/applied to address the core three business questions assigned to you.

Using data charting/ graphics, develop visual presentations of the data together with bullet-points setting out the key findings and inferences from your analysis of the charts/ plots.

Using tables, set out and explain the results of your numeric data analysis, including summary of exploratory data and supporting commentary. Explain how your results provide an understanding of Olympic Sports Ltd.’s subsidiaries performance.

Discuss first the generic issues that data analysts encounter in collecting, integrating and cleaning data. Second, discuss the specific quality issues with the project data that the Finance department has provided
