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(b) What should be considered when assessing the risk of falls while working on top of the road tanker?

(a) What control measures would help reduce the risk of vapour ignition due to static electricity?

8. A flammable liquid is being transferred from a road tanker to a bulk storage tank in the chemical storage area.

7. What practical control measures would you expect to see if road safety was well managed on this site?

Task 6: Determining benefits of the water-based foam sprinkler system

6. Ignoring moral, legal and financial arguments, why is the water-based foam sprinkler system suitable on this process plant?

5. What would have been considered when deciding where to site the dry powder extinguishers on this process plant?

4. What aspects of the emergency plan worked well once the acetylene hose fire was observed by the operator?

Task 3: Recognising conditions for generating a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE)

In the correct sequence, explain how a BLEVE could have been generated in this vessel.

3. While the acetylene cylinder hose was on fire, and flames came into contact with an adjacent vessel, the conditions existed for a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE).

Task 2: Use of mobile elevated work platform (MEWP)

2. What should be considered to help minimise risk with the MEWP structural inspection task?

(b) What could the operator have done better with the hot work permit arrangements?
