AC3.2 Describe the behavioural characteristics of a positive management role model.

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Unit 520 Personal & Professional Development 

Personal & Professional Development

Level 5 Operations or Departmental Manager Apprenticeship (ST0385/AP04)
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Unit Level:


Guided Learning Hours (GLH):


Unit Aim:

This unit will enable learners to develop a personal development plan based on their preferred learning and behavioural styles and reflect on the impact of their performance on others. They’ll be able to act as a role model of their organisation’s values.

Assessment Method:

Portfolio or Unit Assignment

Relationship to Apprenticeship Standard:

This unit fully maps to the Personal & Professional Development KSB grouping within the Level 5 Operations or Departmental Manager Apprenticeship (ST0385/AP04):

  • K8.1, K8.2
  • S8.1, S9.1
  • B4.1, B4.2, B4.3

Appendix B explains how this unit links to the Pass Grading Descriptors.

Learning Outcome 1

The learner will be able to create a personal development plan based on individual learning and behavioural styles.

Assessment Criteria The learner can….


Assessment Requirements (Sufficiency)

learning and behavioural styles to determine the implications for the workplace.
(K8.2 Understand different learning and behavioural styles.)

Models of learning styles, for example Honey & Mumford, VARK, Felder-Silverman etc.
Models of behavioural styles, for example Merill’s People Style Grid, Berne’s Transactional Analysis.
How to evaluate the strengths and limitations of learning and behavioural styles in the context of own workplace.

The learner must evaluate a minimum of two learning style model/theories and two behavioural style model/theories and make clear links to their implications for the workplace. 

own learning and behavioural styles.
(K8.2 Understand different learning and behavioural styles.)

Tools and techniques that help assess different individual learning styles and preferences, for example Kolb Learning Style Inventory, Honey & Mumford’s learning style, Anthony Gregorc`s Mind Styles.
The tools and techniques that help assess different individual behavioural styles and preferences, for example DISC profiles, Belbin’s team roles, working styles questionnaire.
Applying tools and techniques to clarify specific aspects of own ways of learning and behaving, e.g., preferred style, dominant style.

The learner must identify and assess their own learning and behavioural styles, referring to at least two recognised tools or techniques.

a personal development plan using own learning and behavioural styles.
(S9.1 Able to create a personal development plan.)

Creating a Personal Development Plan:

  • The reasons why planning own personal development is important.
  • Formal and informal methods of learning and development available within the organisation, for example training courses, coaching, mentoring, shadowing etc.
  • The personal development cycle and the stages involved in development planning, including identifying development needs.
  • What should be included in a personal development plan to help measure and track progress and achievements. (SMART objectives, short, medium, and long-term goals)
  • Planning development activities to suit learning/behavioural styles of self.
  • How to match different learning/behavioural preferences to the range of organisational learning and development opportunities available.
  • The difference between a Personal Development Plan and Continuing Personal Development Log.

The learner must create a personal development plan for themselves that matches their own individual learning and behavioural styles.
The personal development plan must contain a minimum of three SMART development objectives, covering short, medium, and long-term aspirations.

Learning Outcome 2
The learner will understand impact of own behaviour on others.

Assessment Criteria The learner can….


Assessment Requirements (Sufficiency)

why reflection is an important self-development tool.
(S8.1 Able to reflect on own performance, working style and its impact on others.
K8.1 Understand own impact and emotional intelligence.)

The definition of self-awareness, and how this can assist in developing knowledge of own behaviours.
The value of critical refection as a self-development tool.
The links between effective reflection and personal development in self and others.
The link between self-awareness and improved performance (own and others).
How to develop as a manager/leader through observation and self-reflection.

The learner must explain the importance of self-awareness and the role reflection plays in this, providing an evaluation of how effective reflection can impact on personal development in self and others.

working styles and their impact on the workplace.
(S8.1 Able to reflect on own performance, working style and its impact on others.
K8.1 Understand own impact and emotional intelligence.)

Models of working styles, for example Rensis Likert, The Tannenbaum Schmidt Leadership Continuum, Hershey & Blanchard situational leadership etc.
Applying tools and techniques to clarify specific aspects of ways of working/working styles, e.g., preferred style, dominant style.
The positive and negative impacts of personal working style on others. 

The learner must evaluate a minimum of two working styles models. This must reflect key features of the models and their impact on the workplace.


Evaluate the impact of emotional intelligence within the workplace.
(K8.1 Understand own impact and emotional intelligence.)

Definitions and models/theories of emotional intelligence, e.g., Goleman, Salovey and Mayer, Petrides and Furnham.
How the models compare, and the key features of each.
The strengths and weaknesses of emotional intelligence theories, including criticisms.
How awareness of emotional intelligence can make leaders more effective in their role.
Strengths and areas for development of identified personal emotional intelligence style.
How awareness of the impact of own behaviours on others can be used to improve working relationships.
How to identify personal emotional triggers and the likely behaviours associated with these.

The learner must evaluate emotional intelligence within the workplace, referring to at least one model/theory.
This must reflect key features of the model and its impact on the workplace.

on own performance, working style and emotional intelligence, including the impact on others
(K8.1 Understand own impact and emotional intelligence.
S8.1 Able to reflect on own performance, working style and its impact on others.) 

The range of methods that can be used to gather feedback on performance, such as:

  • Coaching tools, e.g., Johari window, wheel of life, personal SWOT, self-awareness cards.
  • Management tools, e.g., 360-degree feedback, engagement surveys.
  • Self-reflection techniques and tools, e.g., using a journal, listening to inner voice, mindfulness. 

Tools and techniques to measure own emotional intelligence, for example Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test etc.
Tools and techniques to identify working style.

The learner must ensure the reflection of their practice includes the importance of being aware of own behaviour and the impact it can have on others.
The reflection must refer to performance and personal working style and emotional intelligence behaviours.
A reflective account is permitted for this Assessment Criteria only, accompanied by evidence to support the conclusions.

Learning Outcome 3
The learner will be able to act as a role model within their organisation’s values.

Assessment Criteria The learner can….


Assessment Requirements (Sufficiency)

Explain organisational values and culture.
(B4.3 Operates within organisational values.)

An understanding of what is meant by ‘organisational’ values and link to company identity, e.g., sector, size, location, age, product/service, management structure.
Why organisational values are important and how they impact upon management and performance.
Theories and models of organisational culture, e.g., Handy’s four types, Competing Values framework.
The range of factors that contribute to the creation of organisational culture, e.g., Schein’s three levels.
How culture can differ between different divisions/structures within the same organisation.

The learner must explain organisational values and the links to company culture and identity. The work must be underpinned by reference to at least two relevant theories and models and examples from the workplace.

Describe the behavioural characteristics of a positive management role model.
(B4.1 Sets an example, and is fair, consistent, and impartial.
B4.2 Open and honest.)

The importance or role modelling.
How to demonstrate a positive role model through behaviours, e.g., Being open, honest, fair, consistent and impartial.
Consistently role modelling appropriate behaviours expected of others, to lead by example, e.g.:

  • Valuing the contribution of team members.
  • Responding to feedback from the team.
  • Using an open, honest communication style.
  • Having a non-judgemental approach.
  • Encouraging the contribution of the whole team.
  • Encouraging a no blame culture.
  • Keeping promises. 

The knowledge, skills and behaviours that support ethical management.

The learner must describe the behavioural characteristics that create a climate of fairness, impartiality, openness, and honesty in the workplace.

Operate within the organisation’s culture and values as a role model.
(B4.1 Sets an example, and is fair, consistent, and impartial.
B4.2 Open and honest.
B4.3 Operates within organisational values.)

How to treat people equally in the workplace using relevant organisational guidelines and codes of practice.
Definitions of equality, diversity, and inclusion in a workplace context.
How equality, diversity and inclusion differ, and the role of the leader in supporting these concepts. Approaches for creating an inclusive workplace.
The equality, diversity and inclusion policies that are available within an organisation.
Ways to recognise and challenge discrimination.
How to consider equality, diversity, and inclusion from policy through to everyday workplace activities.

The learner must demonstrate how they act as a role model consistently operating within the organisational values, in a climate of fairness, impartiality, openness, and honesty in the workplace.

Guidance for Delivery
Delivery could be through a blend of underlying theory around culture, emotional intelligence theories and their application, supported by exercises to improve understanding of own abilities, for instance learning style inventories, or emotional intelligence competencies. Peer learning could support reflection on own competencies, and self-reflection could be encouraged through discussion and sharing good practice.

Suggested Evidence
Work product which could be used as evidence for this unit:

  • Outcomes of diagnostics to support understanding and evaluation of learning and behavioural styles and emotional intelligence.
  • A completed Personal Development Plan that is based on SMART objectives and includes short, medium and long term goals. 
  • An understanding of organisational culture, for instance a cultural analysis of the organisation, such as Culture Web.
  • Evidence of the impact of reflective practice on own, and organisational, work outcomes: this could be through the application of a model such as Kirkpatrick’s model, or through witness testimony.
  • Workplace documentation, including observation and witness testimony, could support evidence of applied behaviours and role modelling, demonstrating a climate of fairness, impartiality, openness, and honesty in the workplace.
  • Performance feedback gathered through, for instance, appraisal and supervision records, critical incident reports, evaluations, and 360 degree appraisals.

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