C.M3 Analyse the impact of mental ill health on a selected individual’s relationships within their social networks with reference to factors that may have caused it.

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Unit 20: Understanding Mental Wellbeing 

Level: 3
Unit type: Internal
Guided learning hours: 60

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Unit in brief
Learners explore the nature of and strategies to promote mental wellbeing and mental health, and the impact of mental ill health on individuals.

Unit introduction
There is no health without mental health. Mental health is something that everybody has. Mental wellbeing includes social, emotional and psychological wellbeing. It includes factors such as individuals’ ability to cope with challenges and make the most of opportunities; to feel good and function well individually and in relationships, and to feel a sense of connection to the community and surroundings.

This unit encourages you to find out the different ways in which mental wellbeing and mental health are understood. You will learn about the main forms of mental ill health and how these can develop across the life span of the individual. You will investigate the ways that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals understand and manage mental ill health, and consider the strengths and limitations of their approaches. You will explore how mental ill health can have an impact on the lives of individuals and others who play important roles in their lives. By looking at the effects of treatments and social factors, you will develop an insight into mental ill health and its consequences. You will examine the legislation which underpins the strategies that are used to promote mental wellbeing and mental health.

Studying this unit will prepare you for a wide variety of roles in health and social care, including mental health nurse, mental health social worker, mental health liaison practitioner or mental health practitioner.

Learning aims
In this unit you will:
A. Understand different views on the nature of mental wellbeing and mental health
B. Examine how the main forms of mental ill health are classified
C. Examine the impact of mental ill health on individuals and others in their social networks
D. Examine strategies which promote mental wellbeing and mental health.

Assessment criteria

Pass                                           Merit                                           Distinction

Learning aim A: Understand different views on the nature of mental wellbeing and mental health



AB.D1  Evaluate the nature of mental health and wellbeing and the role of current classification systems in improving the diagnosis of selected mental ill-health conditions and their symptoms.

A.P1 Explain factors that influence mental wellbeing and mental health.

A.M1 Analyse factors that influence mental wellbeing and mental health with reference to a view on the nature of mental wellbeing and mental health.

Learning aim B: Examine how the main forms of mental ill health are classified

B.P2 Explain the impact of current classification systems on the diagnosis of mental ill-health conditions.

B.P3 Discuss the strengths and limitations of current classification systems in recognising selected mental ill-health conditions and their symptoms.

B.M2 Analyse the contribution of current classification systems in the diagnosis of selected mental ill-health conditions and their symptoms.

Learning aim C: Examine the impact of mental ill health on individuals and others in their social networks



CD.D2  Evaluate the importance of promoting, protecting and restoring the mental wellbeing and mental health of a selected individual diagnosed with a mental ill-health condition.

D.D3  Evaluate how accurate diagnosis of mental ill-health conditions leads to correct treatment.

C.P4 Explain the impact of mental ill health on a selected individual.

C.P5 Explain how mental ill health affects a selected individual’s relationships with others.

C.M3 Analyse the impact of mental ill health on a selected individual’s relationships within their social networks with reference to factors that may have caused it.

Learning aim D: Examine strategies which promote mental wellbeing and mental health

D.P6 Explain strategies that can be applied to promote the mental wellbeing and mental health of a selected individual diagnosed with a mental ill-health condition.

D.M4 Justify strategies that can be applied to promote the mental wellbeing and mental health of a selected individual diagnosed with a mental ill-health condition, making reference to relevant legislation, policies and codes of practice.

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