E. Plan and instruct clients through gym inductions and exercise sessions

  107 Orders

Unit C2: Fitness Skills Development 

Level: 3
Unit type: Internal
Guided learning hours: 180

NOTE: Kindly share your UPDATED exam paper to the LIVE EXPERT with an updated Case Study (if any)

Unit in brief
Learners explore the theoretical and practical requirements for working as a gym instructor.

Unit introduction
There has been a consistent growth in the number of gyms and fitness facilities opening up around the country. This is because more and more people are spending time and money using the latest gym equipment in their regular workout routines. Gyms and fitness facilities need instructors to induct people in the safe use of equipment and to monitor and support experienced gym users.

In this unit, you will gain an understanding of the health-screening methods used to ensure the safe participation of clients exercising in a gym. You will explore the different types of exercises that can be performed in a gym, including the use of cardiovascular and resistance equipment, and how each exercise can be performed safely and with the correct technique. You will investigate how to plan a gym-based exercise session, taking into account clients’ needs and how a session  can be adapted to meet different needs. You will then explore how to instruct a safe and effective gym-based exercise session. Experienced gym instructors will always review and reflect on their sessions and obtain feedback on the sessions from others. You will explore different methods for collecting feedback on performance, which will enable you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. The knowledge and skills this unit gives you are an exciting combination of theory and applied aspects to help you gain improved understanding and practical experience of instructing.

This unit will help you to progress to employment in the health and fitness industry. The unit will also help you to progress to further study in higher education or professional qualifications in instructing exercise and fitness as a personal trainer or to working with specific populations and medical referrals.
There are new staffing requirements for the teacher, Assessor and Internal Verifier for this unit. Please refer to Section 4 Planning your programme for further information.

Learning aims
In this unit you will:
A. Explore the body systems and their response to participation in exercise
B. Explore methods of client assessment to improve lifestyle management
C. Explore methods to exercise safely and develop fitness in an exercise environment
D. Explore exercise requirements and contraindications for specific populations
E. Plan and instruct clients through gym inductions and exercise sessions.

Summary of unit

Learning aim

Key content areas

Recommended assessment approach

A Explore the body systems and their response to participation in exercise

A1 Cardiorespiratory system
A2 Musculoskeletal system
A3 Energy systems
A4 Digestive system
A5 Nervous system
A6 Principles of biomechanics in exercise

Written report that demonstrates understanding of each body system, their response to acute and chronic exercise, and the principles and applications of biomechanics in exercise.

B Explore methods of client assessment to improve lifestyle management

B1 Forming working relationships with clients
B2 Client screening processes
B3 Benefits of physical activity
B4 Methods to improve client participation in regular exercise

Video/audio evidence of the screening process with a client, supported by a record of practical activity.
Written report focusing on screening activity results, factors affecting safe exercise participation and recommendations based on the results and factors, supported by evidence of completed lifestyle-screening activities.

A written report covering health and safety in an exercise environment that also compares different types of exercise and the use of equipment for clients with different needs.
Client programme cards and case studies for health and safety.

C Explore methods to exercise safely and develop fitness in an exercise environment

C1 Health and safety in an exercise environment
C2 Types of exercise and exercise equipment
C3 Principles of training
C4 Components of gym-based exercise sessions

D Explore exercise requirements and contraindications for specific populations

D1 Antenatal women
D2 Postnatal women
D3 The older adult
D4 Adolescents
D5 People with disabilities

A written report or case study covering exercise requirements and contraindications for antenatal and postnatal women, the older adult and adolescents.

Visual/audio evidence of learners instructing an exercise session. The session plan and an evaluative report of own performance and the client’s performance must be evidenced.

E  Plan and instruct clients through gym inductions and exercise sessions

E1 Planning and instructing a gym-based induction
E2 Planning a gym-based exercise session
E3 Instructing a gym-based exercise session
E4 Reviewing own performance in providing gym-based exercise
E5 Reviewing client’s performance

Assessment criteria

Pass                                           Merit


Learning aim A: Explore the body systems and their response to participation in exercise


Evaluate the interrelationships of the body systems in relation to short-term and long-term exercise performance.

A.P1 Explain the structure and function of the cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, energy digestive and nervous systems.

A.P2 Explain the response of the cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, energy and nervous systems responses to acute and chronic exercise participation.

A.P3 Explain the principles of biomechanics in exercise.

A.M1 Assess how adaptations to the cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, energy and nervous systems improve performance in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Learning aim B: Explore methods of client assessment to improve lifestyle management




BC.D2  Justify lifestyle recommendations and exercise session plans for two contrasting clients to improve their participation in regular exercise.

B.P4 Carry out client screening processes for two contrasting clients, demonstrating methods to develop good working relationships.

B.P5 Explain methods to improve client participation in regular exercise to provide benefits to their health and wellbeing.

B.M2 Assess client screening information from two contrasting clients and provide lifestyle recommendations to improve each individual’s participation in regular exercise.

Learning aim C: Explore methods to exercise safely and develop fitness in an exercise environment

C.P6 Demonstrate appropriate cleaning methods and processes as part of a team to maintain a clean and safe exercise environment.

C.P7 Demonstrate correct use of equipment and technique for cardiovascular, fixed resistance machines, free weights, functional and flexibility exercises.

C.P8 Produce a series of exercise session plans that follow the principles of training.

C.M3 Assess the importance of the correct use of equipment and appropriate exercise session planning, to maintain the health and safety of clients.

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