Present the work using a report in which the process and product are described, analysed, and critically evaluated. (Final)

Module Specification

Development Project

  • Short Module Title:      Development Project
  • Module Code:              CTEC3451
  • Credit value:               30.00
  • Credit level:                Academic Level 6
  • Department:               TY – Computer Science

Module description (including outline content):

The project provides students with the opportunity to carry out a significant piece of work that reflects the aims and outcomes of their specific programme. It provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate practical and analytical skills present in their programme of study; to work innovatively and creatively; to synthesise information, ideas, and practices to provide a quality solution, together with an evaluation of that solution. The project should meet some real need in a wider context.

Students will demonstrate an ability to self-manage a significant piece of work and will undertake a self-evaluation of the process.

Students will be expected to demonstrate appropriate and proactive project management and written/verbal presentation skills throughout the period of the project. As well as analysing, designing, delivering and appraising a product of suitable quality, they will be expected to undertake research, analysis, design, implementation, verification, evaluation and reporting pertinent to the project.

Indicative Content:

The range of projects will be wide. Projects are obtained from a variety of sources including internal academic proposals, external organisation suggestions, and a number from students themselves.

The deliverables will include:

  1. A main report which will include: *


  1. A set of appendices that are referred to within the main report, and which contain the substantive work on the project, including product deliverables, such as requirements and design specifications and other project documents (project contract, inform consent, ethics review form etc.).
  2. A product demonstration shortly after the submission of the main report

Learning outcomes:

  1. Apply theoretical and practical concepts from the programme of study to the construction of a solution to a practical problem. (Initial and Final)
  2. Carry out research and analysis to support the project requirements. (Initial)
  3. Plan and self-manage the work. (Initial and Final)
  4. Assess the potential global impact of the work (Initial)
  5. Present the work using a report in which the process and product are described, analysed, and critically evaluated. (Final)
  6. Present and defend the work in a formal demonstration (Final)


Anonymous marking exemption codes: 1: Individually distinct work, 2: Reflection on development of own work 3: Presentation 4: individually negotiated work 5: work placement/experience/assessment

Type of assessment

Duration or Volume?

Assessment weighting %

Final assessment Y/N

Minimum threshold mark %

Essential component Y/N

Anonymously marked Y/N

Initial submission







Final submission







The standard price quoted for this coursework is for 3000 words. For custom word count and bespoke written work, contact via Whatsapp, Email: or Live Chat.



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