This task seeks to assess your detailed knowledge and understanding of facilitation and how to ensure it has a positive impact.

  23 Orders

5LD03 Facilitate personalised and performance focused learning 

Assessment ID / CIPD_5LD03_22_01
Level 5 Associate Diploma in ▪ Organisational Learning and Development

NOTE: Kindly share UPDATED CASE STUDY (if any) to the LIVE EXPERT. For more details CLICK HERE

Task 1 - Questions
This task seeks to assess your detailed knowledge and understanding of facilitation and how to ensure it has a positive impact.
With reference to relevant theory and models, please provide written answers to each of the instructions below.

1. Prior to delivering a learning event, there are a number of factors for a facilitator to consider. Evaluate what these are in relation to: preparing resources, preparing learners, and preparing yourself as facilitator. (AC 1.1)
2. Discuss the concept of facilitation and how three different facilitation techniques can be used to support learning. (AC 2.1)
3. Explore the ethical factors involved in facilitation of learning. (AC 2.3)
4. Explain the concept of ‘transfer of learning’ and its significance in workplace learning. (AC 3.1)
5. Critically assess two strategies for supporting the transfer of learning from learning and development activities to the workplace. (AC 3.2)
6. Evaluate the role of line managers in supporting transfer of learning for their team members, and how the L&D function can support them in this. (AC 3.3)

Your evidence must consist of:
• Written responses to each of the six instructions
• Approximately 2100 words in total.

Task 2 – Facilitation
This task seeks to assess your ability to facilitate inclusive and impactful group learning activity. It requires you to facilitate/ deliver a group learning activity, using resources you have prepared to enhance learning and making use of strategies to ensure the activity is inclusive.

Following the activity, you are required to provide a written reflection explaining how your facilitation meets the criteria detailed at instruction 3 below.

1. Prepare two different learning resources to use for a learning activity. Resources could be a slide deck, survey, quiz/test, case-study, pre-learning material, activity brief, poster, video clip, demonstration item (‘one I prepared earlier’), etc.).
These should be provided as appendices to your assignment, not included in word count.

2. Make use of an appropriate opportunity (or opportunities) to facilitate group learning and development activity(s), either face-to-face or online. Your facilitation(s) should make use of the resources you have prepared at question 1 above and overall should be of sufficient complexity and duration to allow you to demonstrate all 4 points at instruction 3 below.
Provide a short video recording from your facilitation (a 15-minute extract is sufficient), as an appendix to your assignment. The extract chosen should ideally reflect some aspect of the written reflection required at instruction 3, below.

3. In the main body of your assignment, provide a written reflection on your experience of facilitating learning activities, particularly exploring:
- How the resources you prepared were appropriate for your learners and how they could be adapted to different individual needs and requirements. (AC 1.2)
- The techniques you used, during facilitation, to check that the learning activity was effective for all learners. (AC 2.2)
- The adjustments you made (or could have made) during facilitation, to meet the differing needs of individuals, within a group context. (AC 2.2)
- How your resources met activity learning objectives. (AC 2.4)

Your evidence must consist of:
1. The two learning resources (provided as an appendix, not included in word count)
2. A 15-minute recorded extract from your facilitation (provided as an appendix)
3. Written reflection (approximately 1800 words)
Total word count for this task - approximately 1800 words.

Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and will indicate where the answer sits within the marking band range for each AC.
Assessors will provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors will use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that is developmental.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks awarded across all assessment criteria.

To pass the unit, the assessment must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the assessment receives for the unit, provided NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
Please note that the assessment will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 7

Refer / Fail

8 or 9


10 to 13


14t o 16


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