Unit DSC04: Strategic Leadership

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Unit DSC04: Strategic Leadership 

QUALIFI Level 5 Diploma in Cyber Security

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Unit code: Y/617/4637
RQF level: 5

In order for an organisation to be more cyber secure, leadership across employee and stakeholder networks is required to be delivered by the C-Suite. However, what happens if the C-Suite either doesn’t listen or doesn’t understand the Tier One threat posed by information security vulnerabilities.

In this unit learners will develop an understanding of the key features of tech leadership and performance management. Learners will evaluate strategic leadership and management approaches, within a tech sector setting, and what it means to be a ‘senior level influencer’.

Learners will also develop an understanding of security technical and generic management and leadership teaching. Much of this teaching will be particularly relevant to learners wishing to move into more advanced Information Security Management technical qualifications, including the CompTIA Security + accreditation and the Cyber Security industry gold standard: The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). The unit is also highly applicable to learners who are considering taking an MBA, or MBA in Cyber Security, at a later date or who looking to advance into senior management roles within their organisation or sector.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes. To achieve this unit a learner must be able to:

Assessment Criteria: Assessment of these outcomes demonstrates a learner can:

1. Understand the role senior leaders and strategic leadership

1.1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of senior leaders in a tech sector setting
1.2 Assess how strategic leadership and core goal-setting can enable stronger security cultures

2. Evaluate the management streams and performance monitoring mechanisms that relate to information security

2.1 Explain the importance of integrating management and operational programmes in relation to optimum levels of performance and cyber resilience
2.2 Anlayse the performance monitoring mechanisms in place to protect information security
2.3 Assess how cultural and diversity-related complexities impact on management and performance monitoring

3. Understand how threat and risk identification and management is integrated into C-Suite considerations and governance

3.1 Evaluate risk management and threat identification within the context of wider corporate strategy, responsibilities and governance
3.2 Explain the impact of poor or ineffective C-Suite understanding and direction


3.3 Assess the importance of business ethics and leadership in business values, including within end-user environments of ICT systems

4 Understand how data protection legislation impacts considerations of strategy-setting and strategic leadership

4.1  Evaluate how major data protection laws, impact on C- Suite strategic level decision making and strategy setting
4.2  Assess the consequences for individuals and organisations of non-compliance with this legislation

Indicative Content
- Strategic leadership
- Strategic management, project management and configuration management
- Threat and risk management: global business environments
- Cultural complexity
- Ethics, compliance and governance

Assessment Guidance
Each unit will be worth 30 credits and the qualification is designed to be flexible for learners who are already working and in demanding jobs. Every unit must be passed in order to achieve the Diploma.

Learners will be able to progress sequentially through each unit, accumulating credits as they pass each module assessment point.
During each of the four 30-credit units, every learner will have the opportunity to ‘practise’ and hone their ability to undertake the final (formal) assessment. Such non-mandatory practice will by way of completing a formative exercise/s throughout the unit.

Summative Assessment:
REPORT: Identify an organisation that recently experienced a mega data breach.

  1. Prior to the event, what was the style of leadership, the corporate strategy, the goals of that organisation? (800 words)
  2. Prior to the event, analyse how well the company/organisation was perceived by the market and its shareholders to be performing. (800 words)
  3. Following the data breach, in your assessment, what laws in relation to the major incident (or related activities) is the company guilty of breaching? (800 words)
  4. Following the data breach, in your assessment, how well is the company performing? (800 words)
  5. Following the data breach, to what extent has the company/organisational strategic leadership been successful? (800 words)

4000 words)

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