What do I want/need to learn?
What will I do to achieve this?
What resources or support will I need?
What will my success criteria be?
Target dates for review and completion
The key topics/areas that will help you to gain:
1. The technical knowledge necessary to fulfil your studies competently and be working towards the next level, eg. the specifics on your course, and academic skills such as essay writing, referencing
2. You will need to add any additional personal development , eg. time management, self awareness, interpersonal skills, appropriate behaviour,
Work out what to do to find out/ understand/ change in order to meet the development need:
- Research into a topic
- Attend an extra session
- Meet your tutor
- Set up a learning set
- Find some e-learning
- Take on a special project
- Monitor your own performance and seek feedback
The ‘’what will I do to achieve this’ will often fulfil the development need. But is there further guidance and support available? From whom? Student Hub? Your tutor?
What do you want good performance within each of the development areas to look like?
Eg referencing; able to complete the tests in succeed@solent with full marks, be able to accurately reference academic work
Eg meet target deadlines without excessive last minute hours.
As appropriate, needs to be specific dates for either completion or review, not ‘ASAP’
Be realistic about how much you can do at once – stagger your target dates, but don’t have any so far off that you lose sight of them