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• Be an evidence-based solution (i.e. will be based on at least 1 peer-reviewed study, which demonstrates positive outcomes. You may need to adapt it for your particular setting)
Assignment Title : Coursework 2 (parts A and B)Word Count (or equivalent): 2650 +/- equivalent – part A PP not applicable, part B 1500 +/- 10%
NOTE : Kindly share UPDATED CASE STUDY (if any) to the LIVE EXPERT. For more details CLICK HERE
Assignment Task
Part A Group presentation - Scenario
Each of you is a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in your chosen educational setting (specify whether this is a primary school, a secondary school, an academy, a further education college or a university). Your institution has now experience of delivering its teaching and learning activities in person, online, and hybrid. Reports (e.g. Sellgren, 2020 and The Edge Foundation, 2020) have raised concerns that students’ engagement with online learning provision is a problematic issue. Now, post-COVID-19, it is important to equip teaching staff with pedagogical and IT/digital competence and skills to design and adapt their teaching to similar and occurring circumstances (depending on various factors). In order to achieve this, the SLT has been tasked with devising a strategic intervention to implement a compulsory, institution-wide
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme for teaching staff. The programme should:• Be an evidence-based solution (i.e. will be based on at least 1 peer-reviewed study, which demonstrates positive outcomes. You may need to adapt it for your particular setting);• Address how teachers can commit to change in an innovative way and how to help them;• Include strategies for improving and developing teachers’pedagogical and digital literacies;• Work with the aim of guaranteeing better student engagement and quality assurance;• Include details of how the CPD will enable teachers to take into account and better cater for disadvantaged students - e.g. looked after children (LAC)/care leavers and/or those in receipt of pupil premium/who are from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and students with special educational needs (SEN) (think about the context of your choice);• Be underpinned by relevant educational management approaches and theories (you can include resources introduced on any other relevant modules and materials from the FutureLearn courses recommended). The audience for your presentation consists of senior managers/governors.
Presentation guidance (each of you has three minutes of presentation time):• Each team member presents for 3 minutes (+/- 10%);• Discuss the intervention;• Outline how specific members of the SLT will accomplish their individual roles;• Use appropriate tools to deliver your presentation (e.g. PowerPoint) making sure your title page/slide includes your names and your roles in the SLT.• A minimum of 6 references (matching the in-text citations and vice-versa).• Your presentation must demonstrate group cohesiveness (see further details in the marking scheme).
Upload the final version of your group PowerPoint slides to the Coursework 2 Part A submission link in AulaJourneyAssignments. Each student must submit the same group version for assessment purposes.
Part BIndividual reflective report (1550 words +/- 10%)
• Write an individual report which critically reflects on the process of devising a strategic intervention as part of an educational management team.• Critically reflect on external factors (cultural, communication, management and teamwork issues) your group encountered which affect programme/project management and the developing/designing/decision-making process.• Critically evaluate your own personal input (on CW2 part 1).• Discuss personal implications for yourself as a reflective practitioner in a leadership role.• A minimum of 6 references (matching the in-text citations and vice-versa).
Submission Instructions: The submission will be via the available link on AULA (see Journey – Assignment – select the CW2 part A and part B links) You should submit a PowerPoint file to the Hand-In link for part A and a Microsoft Word document (PDF is not allowed) to the Turnitin link for part B.
Assessed Module Learning Outcomes The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:
LO1 Analyse case studies of educational management through the lens of different methodological approaches.LO2 Synthesise how cultural, communication, management and teamwork issues affect project management, with specific reference to educational settings.LO3 Research and develop evidence-based solutions to the challenges posed by programme and project management in educational contexts.
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