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D3 Make recommendations to improve performance management that will ensure continuous improvement.

M5 Assess how leadership and management approaches for managing performance supports continuous improvement.

P6 Apply appropriate leadership and management approaches for managing performance and continuous improvement to a range of business situations.

D2 Produce a comprehensive motivational strategy that effectively addresses all variables of motivation to enhance organisational performance.

M4 Produce a detailed motivational strategyfor an organisation that addresses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

P5 Produce a motivational strategy for an organisation that supports optimal achievement of organisational objectives.

6) The company has recently introduced a new Health and Safety policy you feel is not in the best interests of customers or the business. However, it has been made very clear that the policy is fully endorsed by senior managers

5) An employee who is brand new to the company joins your sales team. This person is enthusiastic, willing to help and keen to progress. Their working style is very organised, and you can consistently rely on them to deliver within timescales.

4) Your team is exceeding sales targets and members work well together. Recognising their abilities, you feel they can now work more on their own.

3) You chair weekly team meetings. You are concerned because the meetings do not seem to be very productive – a lot of time is spent discussing administrative details and/or problems with processes.

2) One of your team members shows values inconsistent with company culture (e.g. shows a lack of transparency, overpromises on deliveries, stirs up drama with colleagues).

1) Your team has a regular `problem` customer that they are actively avoiding. Unfortunately, you have received a complaint from the customer about the way one of your team members handled their latest request when they came into the store.

The second half of the training session focuses on enabling team leaders to put into practice leadership skills and approaches for motivating their teams and improving performance.

Your motivational strategy plan needs to work out how you will get the whole team on board to enable you to meet business plan targets.
