1. To explore the main research paradigms within the field of management research.

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DBA Assignment 1: General Overview 

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Year One consists of five taught modules worth 180 UK Credits/60 ECTS Credits.
Within the first six months of study – two assignments need to be completed:

  • M1. Research Methodology and Methods (10 credits)
  • M2. Research Issues within Contemporary Management (10 credits)

M1. Research Methodology and Methods
There will be a minimum of six weeks to complete your assignment, following notification of the assignment being available and of the deadline. The wordcount will be between 5000-7,000 words (excluding footnotes). Use a referencing style of your choice (consistently applied) – or Harvard referencing.

You will be provided with guidance as to the structure you could follow to effectively pass this assignment as well as ample opportunity to participate in Q&A about your planned structure / draft. We will signpost very clearly precisely what you have to evidence and present in order to meet the learning outcomes of the module through the assignment. We will encourage you to define all of the key terms that you use, properly referenced, to ensure that you showcase your understanding of the specific meaning of – for example – research methodologies, methods and approaches.

Aim of the Module
The aim of this module is to give you a thorough grounding in research methodology and methods. By the end of the module, you will be able to explain your own research ‘philosophy’ and you will be able to decide what research methods to use (e.g. interview, focus group, or questionnaire) to achieve your goals and to offer a convincing justification for your choice! This module provides you with vital training in research which will serve you well when you come to write your thesis.

The objectives of this module are:
1. To explore the main research paradigms within the field of management research.
2. To critically understand the methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.
3. To demonstrate advanced skills in data handling, using appropriate statistical software.
4. To demonstrate high-level skills in qualitative research methods.
5. To demonstrate deep competence in quantitative research methods.

The assignment will be structured to enable you to evidence your learning, academic analysis and presentation skills concerning:

  • Your selection of one or more research paradigms that you have encountered (and been impressed by) in your review of successful DBA theses / published articles from, for example, the Harvard Business Review.
  • Your clear understanding of the differences between and criteria for selecting a purely qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods approach to data collection.
  • Your description of (either) how some advanced statistical treatments of quantitative data have led to actionable findings in management / business research (e.g. large surveys using Likert scales and Anova tests) OR your demonstration of how qualitative research has been converted from unstructured data into actionable findings using specified analytical approaches (e.g. grounded theory and software such as NVIVO)
  • How, for a scenario involving a research question of your choice, you would select and deploy a qualitative OR quantitative OR mixed method research methodology, method and analysis. This could be (but does not need to be) an opportunity to briefly explore the topic you may look at in the other assignment(s) and DBA thesis.

In this assignment, you will build on evidence of understanding about Research Methodology and Methods. You will provide an elaborate answer to the specific questions as stated below. In doing the assignment, make sure that you follow these guidelines:

The word count required.

  • The referencing, both intext and list of references should follow Harvard Style.
  • The structure of writing where the answers should all be written in paragraph form.
  • The originality of the work which should not show a similarity index more than 20%.
  • References from where you are getting answers to the questions should be from credible and current sources of information from the web or from books.

Assignment Questions

  1. What is research and why should one be writing research?
  2. What are the different research paradigms/philosophies. When are they best used and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
  3. What is Quantitative Research and how is the data collection analysis done?
  4. What is Qualitative Research and how is the data collection analysis done?
  5. What are qualitative research methods, give its advantages and disadvantages. When is this best used and why?
  6. What are quantitative research methods and give its advantages and disadvantages. When is this method best used and why?
  7. What are the skills needed in data handling? Why are they needed?
  8. What statistical treatments can be done for quantitative research design? Explain each and what would likely be the results if with this statistical treatment?
  9. What statistical treatments can be done for qualitative research design? Explain each and what would likely be the results if with this statistical treatment?

The quoted price covers up to 7000 words for M1. For custom requirements Live Chat or Whatsapp Click Here


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