• TITLE PAGE (Include the question you have chosen and the name of your seminar tutor, please do not include any names or student numbers. Your report will be anonymously marked).
• Executive summary (approx. 100 words): This is a short summary of the report that includes the answer to the question.
• TABLE OF CONTENTS (approx. 50 words): The Word software can automatically generate this for you once you are done writing your report.
• INTRODUCTION (approx. 150 words)
Best to always start with a very engaging sentence! And yes, if you are using material that needs citations, you should have in-text citations in the introduction. Your introduction must clearly explain how the report answers the questions - indicating the structure and providing clear signposting. For example, you can say: “This report aims to answer the question by first defining entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. Second, it will highlight the differences of the two. Third, …)”
(Note: Sections 2-3.6 are the MAIN BODY OF THE REPROT and constitute majority of your grade)
• 2. Difference between entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship (approx. 800 words)
• 2.1. Entrepreneurship: Definition (academic sources only)
• 2.2. Social Entrepreneurship: Definition (academic sources only)- There are numerous definitions of SE and you can state few of them in this section (with academic citations). Next, you can tell us how you define social entrepreneurship in this report.
• 2.3. Difference between entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship (academic sources only, if you would like to include some real-life examples, you can use non-academic sources)
• 3.1. Background (approx. 200 words)
Provide relevant background (context) information on the company you have selected from the list of 5 (can use non-academic sources)
• 3.2. How the company meets each of the 4 main characteristics of SE (approx. 800 words): Can use academic AND non-academic sources here; MUST Provide evidence/examples from the company to support your argument:
• 3.2.1. Social Purpose
• 3.2.2. Trading Activity
• 3.2.3. Full Cost Recovery
• 3.2.4. Profit Reinvested
• 3.3. Challenges faced by the Company (approx. 100 words)
• 3.4. Optional: Covid-19: Its impact on the company (approx. 100 words)
• 3.5. Evaluating Company’s SE Practices (approx. 100 words): From what you reviewed in the previous sections, discuss whether they are appropriate or effective; Must always include citations when critiquing
• 4.0. CONCLUSION (approx. 100 words): A short summary of your answer; always avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion
• REFERENCES: Must be in Harvard style and listed in alphabetical order; References are NOT included the word count; Please use citetherightonline.com)
• APPENDIXES: For any extra tables, graphs, etc. that you think is needed to understand your report but there was no space to include them; NOT included in the word count)
Business Report: Guidelines
• 2,500 words (+/-10%); Deviation NOT accepted
• Bibliography & appendices NOT included in the word count
• Use font ‘Times New Roman’ or ‘Arial’, Size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified alignment
• Check for grammar and spelling before submission
• If you fail to answer the question in your report, you will fail the entire report
• Title page
• Executive summary
• Table of content (not included in the wordcount!)
• Introduction (must clearly explain how the report answers the question- indicating structure, signposting)
• Provide relevant background (context) information on the company
• Outline how/why your chosen organisation applies the specific concept/theory
• Conclusion
• References (Not included in the wordcount)
• Appendices (OPTIONAL-, for any extra tables, graphs, etc..., not part of the mark and NOT included in word count)