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3. Plan, apply and evaluate environmental assessment methodologies and mitigation strategies to evaluate the performance of policies, plans and projects in addressing the sustainability agenda
CRN: 53382/53383 Level: 7 Assessment Title: Project Report
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Assessment task details and instructions: For this assessment exercise, you will be allocated a case study outlining the details of a development proposal. There will be a range of case study scenarios, and these will be provided alongside with this brief. You should work on the same case study and site that was originally allocated to you.
For the exercise, assume that you have been engaged as a consultant to assess the feasibility of the project with particular reference to the likelihood of gaining the necessary planning consent. To this end, you are required to produce an initial scoping report . The purpose of the scoping report is to determine the content and extent of the matters that should be covered in the EIS and submitted to the local planning authority for projects that are subject to EIA. For the case studies assume that the project has been screened and determined as requiring an environmental impact statement to accompany the planning application.
The importance of scoping was illustrated as far back as 1995 by the Department of the Environment, which stated: “Defining its scope is one of the most critical parts of an EIA in that it sets the context for what follows. If the scope is defined too narrowly, some critical area of uncertainty or adverse impact may emerge late in the day. Decisions on the shape of the project may then be too far advanced to allow for any real change. On the other hand, if the scope of work is too loosely defined, then much time, effort and cost may be spent on pursuing unnecessary detail.”
In addressing the task, you should consider: · The importance of and approach to scoping · The potential impacts relative to the proposed location · Possible techniques and methods for gathering data and assessing likely impacts · Possible criteria to be used in evaluating the impact · Possible methods of mitigation · Integration with other forms of impact assessment, such as health and social impact assessment · How the developer would engage with the public and statutory consultees
Remember that a detailed analysis of environmental impacts is not needed in scoping; the relationship between the proposed development and existing development or features will undoubtedly inform the scoping exercise. In compiling your report, you should draw on a range of academic, technical and policy guidance literature to build and support your argument. You should ensure that you present relevant baseline information for your site using sources examined in lectures and workshops. In structuring your report, you should refer to available guidance. Box 17 (page 39) of the EU guidance (European Commission, 2017) on Scoping in EIA suggests the following structure. Refer to the guidance for specific details of each section.
1) Introduction: Background and purpose of the report 2) Site description 3) Project description 4) Identification of significant effects 5) Stakeholder engagement strategy 6) Conclusions
The main parts of your report that will contribute to your grade are sections (4) and (5), as these are crucial to the effectiveness of the scoping process and report. The suggested outline of section (4) in the European Commission (2017) can be applied to each environmental impact factor considered.
Knowledge and Understanding
Practical, Professional
Subject-Specific Skills
Assessed intended learning outcomes On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding 1. Critically discuss perspectives of the concept of sustainable development and demonstrate a systematic understanding of the economic, social and political factors restricting its translation into practice;2. Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical awareness of the environmental assessment processes, their relative strengths and weaknesses and the critical parameters that contribute to successful environmental assessment;
Practical, Professional or Subject-Specific Skills 3. Plan, apply and evaluate environmental assessment methodologies and mitigation strategies to evaluate the performance of policies, plans and projects in addressing the sustainability agenda;4. Make critical judgements about the magnitude and significance of environmental impacts arising from economic activities;
Transferable Skills and Other Attributes 5. Gather, manipulate and interpret relevant data on environmental issues, taking account of uncertainties, assumptions and actions in the absence of complete data;6. Formulate, implement and evaluate stakeholder engagement strategies;7. Effectively communicate of ideas in a variety of forms for a range of recipients.
Employability Skills
developed / demonstrated
Communication YES Critical Thinking and Problem Solving YES Data Literacy YES Digital Literacy YES Industry Awareness YES Innovation and Creativity YES Proactive Leadership NO Reflection and Life-Long Learning YES Self-management and Organisation YES Team Working NO
Word count/ duration (if applicable)
Your assessment should be up to 3,500 words (+/- 10%). The word count excludes references, text in tables, figure/table captions, table of contents and the list of figures/tables. There are no penalties for exceeding the word limit, but only the first 3,500 words (+ 10%) will be assessed.
MARKING SCHEMEThe marking scheme indicates the key descriptors for the assessment bands ‘Outstanding’ (90-100%) to ‘Extremely Poor’ (0-9%). To do well at this assignment you need to remember the following points:
Adopt a clear and logical structure for your report
Write clearly in your own words in a style suitable for a technically informed audience
Practice good academic conduct by clearly indicating source material and referencing your work including using quote marks where appropriate
Follow the APA 7th referencing guidance and apply this consistently
Use good quality evidence to build and support your argument and critical thinking including journal articles, official reports, and best practice guidelines
Engage with relevant baseline information that is specific to your site
Illustrate your work with meaningful diagrams, tables, and figures
Use the assessment criteria as a guide to pitch your work at the right level
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