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Part c – Entrepreneurial characteristics: What are the individual characteristics an entrepreneur needs to help overcome some of these barriers and allow him/her to take advantages of the opportunities you see in your country?
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Module Overview and Communication
Module Details
Module Title
International Entrepreneurship
Module Code
Module Level
Credit points
Module Status
Contact Details and Communication Methods
General Information, Queries and Consultations
If you require advice or guidance on any aspect of the module, please start by reading the guidance provided here, in the Module Handbook. Questions are encouraged in class, or you may wish to utilise the class Discussion Board.
For specific queries or studies advice, please contact by email or arrange an appointment. Please note, we aim to respond to all email queries within 48 hours.
Module Announcements
While key information will be given in class, in the weekly course material, the module handbook and under the Assessment tab in BBL, ‘out of class’ communication including notifications, reminders, etc will be distributed via the Blackboard Announcement tool. You will receive a duplication of this announcement direct to your student email inbox, so please check this on a regular basis.
It also advisable that you download the ‘Blackboard’ App as an alternative means of accessing these announcements as well as your module content.
Aim & Learning Outcomes
Introduction This module focuses on the growth and development process of the firm from start-up to multi-nationality. The theories underpinning the module are grounded in entrepreneurship and international business and emphasise process and development. Students will gain insight into international entrepreneurship skill-sets that extend across processes and decisions relating to international opportunity recognition, business start-up, and commercialisation, planning for rapid international growth and the internationalisation process, thereby furthering their personal global citizenship journey.
Module Rationale The literature identifies three major barriers to the internationalisation of entrepreneurial firms: lack of foreign market knowledge, limited human and financial resources, and inherent weaknesses in management. In many countries, developing the entrepreneurial capabilities of firms and management teams is a significant public policy objective. Given the potential contributions of small entrepreneurial firms to economic development and export led growth, an international context and focus is highly appropriate.
Overall Aim of the Module The aim of the module is to lead students towards an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the international growth and development process of firms from their inception through to maturity as established international firms, with the emphasis on the early stages of international development for new venture and young, often born-global firms. Conventional internationalisation theory is challenged through discussion of rapidly internationalising firms, international new ventures and the born-global phenomenon. The module focuses on key concepts and theories underpinning international entrepreneurship, and how these are applied in practice. Students are encouraged to draw on a wide range of academic resources, theoretical perspectives, and practical applications to illuminate and reflect upon their learning.
Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
Describe and critically discuss the nature of Born Global internationalisation, and the emerging theories and concepts underpinning International Entrepreneurship.
Demonstrate knowledge of the factors which influence attitudes and behaviour in an international context
Identify, analyse and synthesize materials from primary and secondary sources that assist in the understanding of International Entrepreneurship
Apply knowledge of International Entrepreneurship, Born Globals and International New Ventures, and their processes and practices, creatively to problem solving situations.
Assessment & Feedback
This module will be assessed via one item of assessment
Assessment Type
Weighting (%)
Individual Report
Coursework : Title Examination of entrepreneurial opportunities in [home country]
Scenario : Imagine you are returning to set up a small business in your home country . You want to explore the possibilities and gauge your chances of success [you can choose any sector but need to be specific - and realistic!]. You should address the question as follows:
Part a – with reference to the Isenberg model, show how the entrepreneurial ecosystem in your country/region/city can help you succeed in your chosen sector. You need to include details on specific funding initiatives, legislation and policy, education programmes and make sure you reference these correctly. These should be applicable to your chosen sector – e.g. training initiatives, grants for start-ups, industry networks etc.
You must show you understand the impacts of some of the initiatives/funding mechanisms/mentorship programmes/policies. GEM reports and theory on (among others) necessity entrepreneurship may be useful to consider. Can you discuss if or why this has had an impact on economic output, regional development, or the appetite for entrepreneurship etc in your chosen region? You need to refer to recent statistics if mentioning these areas. It is not necessary to look at all dimensions of the model – in depth discussion on a smaller number of the most important factors may be more beneficial – but you should show you understand how the ecosystem needs to be balanced and work as a whole.
Part b – Barriers to entrepreneurship. As above this should be based on your home country and specific to the sector you have chosen (you want to acknowledge where the ecosystem needs to be developed or refined).
How would these barriers impact on your ambitions? You must compare to previous research on common barriers -it is expected that the literature and reports mentioned in class are used IN ADDITION to specific reports/research on barriers in your home country. (25 marks)
Part c – Entrepreneurial characteristics: What are the individual characteristics an entrepreneur needs to help overcome some of these barriers and allow him/her to take advantages of the opportunities you see in your country? You must use the authors introduced in class for this section. See some of the earlier lectures in the module to help you. Give examples of local entrepreneurs (from your country/region) to illustrate. News articles, company websites etc may provide information here. (25 marks)
Presentation, structure, written narrative, and use of appropriate references.(a) You have been given the basis of a structure for this assignment. Take time to make sure each section links, you have avoided repetition and your work has a logical flow.(b) Referencing must clearly follow UUBS guidelines.(c) Follow report format with headings, page numbers and a contents page. Any tables, graphs, diagrams etc need to be labelled appropriately and sources cited. (10 marks)
Word count: 3000 +/- 10% not including title page, contents or reference list.
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