Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in Construction & the Built Environment (Architectural Technology)

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Unit 1: Individual Project – Assignment Brief 

Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in Construction the Built Environment (Architectural Technology)
Assignment Title: Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies

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Unit 1: Individual Project – Assignment Brief


Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in Construction & the Built Environment (Architectural Technology)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 1: Individual Project

Assignment Title

Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies

Submission Format

This assignment needs to include a portfolio of the following:
1. Technical Report (LOs P1 to P8, M1)
2. Project Logbooks (LOs P5, P6, M1, M2, M3, D1 & D2)
3. Project Management Plan including programme/resource tracking technique (Los P3, P5, M2 & M3)
4. Performance Review (LOs M3, D1 & D2)
5. Project Presentation - 15 minute duration (LOs P7 & M4)
6. Anything else that can demonstrate the LOs (particularly Merit/Distinction) – e.g. Email correspondence, design reviews, progress reviews, questionnaires, meeting minutes. 

This assignment is to be submitted on or before the date(s) shown above. You will be given anindividual date for the presentation after the formative assessment date.
Word Count: 5000 ±10% for Tech Report

Unit Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, a student will be able to:
1. Formulate a project that will provide a solution to an identified problem
2. Manage a project within agreed timescales and specification; documenting the process throughout
3. Evaluate potential project management solutions
4. Produce a project feasibility report and deliver a presentation of the final project outcomes

Assignment Guidance (Pearson set Theme)

Assignment Theme - 1 Introduction to theme The Pearson-set theme for use with Unit 1: Construction Design Project is

Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies
With significant major advancements in the last couple of years alone, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest emerging technology set to ‘disrupt’ the normal way of working in the construction industry. There are a range of benefits in the use of AI: these include the use of advanced algorithms, models, and machine learning to carry out predictive analytics, checks and routine processes, which have many viable applications within various stages of the design and build process. There are also in-use benefits after construction work is completed - such as supporting building control systems and estate maintenance. Whilst AI has numerous possible benefits, there are also risks which warrant caution and better understanding of AI. AI systems respond to the data fed into the model, and so if this data is not representative of the problem area under study, there is a likelihood that the output of the AI model will be biased. In addition, there are security and privacy concerns on the source and storage of the large datasets used for AI. Alongside AI the Construction sector is also benefiting from several other emerging technologies (e.g., building management systems, digital twins, advanced GPS applications, robotics, and exoskeletons etc.), some of which may or may not have links to AI, which are set to provide a range of benefits for the sector. The theme of “Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies”, and the related topics, ask you to explore the ways in which the construction industry is, already using, or can effectively use these new emerging technologies in the design, and the design process of construction projects, whilst also considering the challenges and obstacles in doing so.

Assignment Brief (Assignment Topic)

Your employer has received a brief from a client for a new mixed-use site to be constructed on a greenfield site on the outskirts of Exeter. There will be an office building for 100 occupants, a number of residential dwellings and some retail units.

Access, parking and soft landscaping is to be included as part of the development.  The client would like use of AI to be evaluated.
As a student, you are tasked with researching ways that the development can improve and to assess the cost considerations AI use supporting the development. The client has asked for a feasibility report that summarises your findings and makes clear conclusions and recommendations including for the following:

2 Topic Selection Tutors must choose one topic from the list provided below and decide which type of project is most suitable for their assignment. All students must complete the same topic and project chosen by the tutor. However, if delivering to different cohorts of students then tutors may select a different topic and design a different assignment for each cohort. The Pearson-set Assignment Guidance document for Unit 1: Construction Design Project, provides additional support and guidance for both tutors and students. Theme: Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies

● The impact of AI use in the construction design process.
●  The practical benefits, and challenges, of utilising AI and/or emerging technologies to develop construction design ideas.
●  Enabling efficiencies in ‘manufacture’, ‘build’ and ‘in-use’ process by incorporating AI and/or other emerging technologies at the construction design stage.
●  Current and future risks and issues, associated with the implementation and use of AI and/or other emerging technologies in construction design.
●  How AI and/or other emerging technologies can be utilised in ensuring compliance with design standards and quality processes or the identification of design issues.
●   Ways in which AI and other emerging technologies can be used to support the sharing, presentation and/or evaluation of construction design data.

The brief requires that the entire life cycle of the project is considered from inception to decommissioning and that you present your findings within 16 weeks.

Ø  Establish your aims and objectives for the project. Outline objectives and timeframes based onthe scenario above.
Ø  Produce an appropriate project management plan that includes relevant actions to meet objectives and timeframes. Include any assumptions made.
Ø  Conduct research to generate knowledge which will form the basis for analysis of the scenarioposed in the brief.
Ø  Analyse your findings and draw conclusions to form the basis for recommendations.
Ø  Identify, describe and providea specification for an appropriate project that can meet the requirements of the brief.
Ø  Present and produce your project report in an appropriate manner for the intended audience. Communicate your recommendations in an appropriate manner for the intended audience.
Ø  Complete a performance review that addresses the following:
♦ The success of the project and its effectiveness in addressing the issues identified set theme and topic.
♦ Your own performance.

Evidence Checklist

This table summarises all the evidence required for this unit.

1. Technical Report
This is the most substantial part of your assignment. It will be based on your logbook, interim reviews and research etc. This is a technical report and should follow standard referencing conventions.
You should be able to hand this report to management and the client (as described in the brief) before the presentation.


2. Project Logbook
Designed to provide evidence of the project development process and ongoing reflection. Direction of the project. Problems encountered; steps taken to addressthem, etc. To be updated weekly.
This should be developed together with the Project Management Plan and should be presented as an Appendix to your Technical Report.
Not included in the word count.


3. Project Management Plan
This is to define how the project is to be planned, executed and monitored. The Project Management Plan should give details of the actions required for the integration and coordination of various planning activities to carry out the project. It’s likely that this will be updated as you progress.
This should also be presented as an Appendix to your Technical Report. Not included in the word count.


4. Performance Review
Reflection and evaluation of the project management process and individual performance.
This should be completed after you complete the Technical Report. template for this assignment is available on Moodle.
Guide of 500 words.


5. Project Presentation
15-minute presentation to selected audience of four and two lecturers. Refer to the Project Brief for the context of this presentation.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1 Discuss the stages of a design process and the types of information required to communicate, share and manage the project process.


P1 Describe the stages and activities of a construction design process.
P2 Explain the types of information required throughout the different stages of a project process.

M1 Assess the relationship between design and project stages and the information sharing requirements in each.


D1 Critically evaluate the relationship between design and project stages, highlighting the processes and procedures to ensure information coordination throughout.

LO2: Explain the different types of construction information developed through the course of a project

P3 Examine a brief to ascertain the requirements of a building project
P4 Outline the relationships between drawings, schedules and specifications.

M2 Analyse the importance of clash detection and information coordination.

LO3: Produce design propositions that address project requirements defined through feasibility stages


P5 Create construction drawings and details using industry-standard tools and techniques.
P6 Produce specifications, schedules and an outline construction health and safety phase plan for a given project.

M3 Prepare specification prelims and schedule of works, in coordination with construction drawings and details.



D2 Evaluate a package of construction information, in relation to their coordination and accuracy.


LO4 Present a construction information package, highlighting the coordination of information between different project stakeholders to ensure accuracy

P7 Present construction information to an audience of specialists and non-specialists.
P8 Explain the coordination and information sharing between different roles and stakeholders in a construction project.

M4 Analyse the ways in which different forms of contractual relationships between stakeholders influence flow of information in a construction project.

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