Unit 1: Law, Policy, and Ethical Practice

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Law, Policy and Ethical Practice in Health and Social Care 

Unit 1: Law, Policy, and Ethical Practice
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Assignment Brief

 Programme title:

 Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Healthcare Practice England (Healthcare Management)

 Unit Number and Title

 Law, Policy and Ethical Practice in Health and Social Care

 Assignment Format

 Essay, Professional discussion and Reflective log

The submission will be in three sections: Essay, Professional discussion and Reflective log. 

Activity 1: Essay– LO1 and LO2
You are expected to submit a Word-processed essay to include paragraphs and headings, if required. Your answers should be illustrated with examples from the case scenario/your work placement. The word count is 750 words

Activity 2: Professional discussion – LO3 and LO4
You are asked to take part in a 20-minute planned professional discussion. The two-way professional conversation between the assessor and you will be recorded.

Activity 3: Reflective Log – LO2 and LO4
You are asked to submit a word-processed reflection on own practice by completing Unit 1 the Reflective log template uploaded on Moodle. The word count is 500 words.  

The following points must be observed within the report and the reflection:
Use 1.5 spacing and Calibri, Times New Roman, or Arial font size 12.  
Use headings and paragraphs as appropriate.   
Support the work with research, in-text citations, as well as statistics when relevant.  
Use Appendices (if any) 
Reference all images, graphs, and charts, if used in the work
Use Harvard Referencing style for both in-text and reference list.  
You are expected to limit yourself to + or − 10% of the requested word count, though you will not be penalised for exceeding this limit.
Do not use borders in your assignment.
The total word count for this assignment is 1500 words, you will not be penalised for going over.

 Unit Learning Outcomes

 LO1 Explore the legal framework within which health and social care practitioners operate.
 LO2 Describe key legislation, national and organisational policy of fundamental importance to the health, care, or support service practitioner.
 LO3 Interpret the law in relation to key ethical and professional Practice Themes in health and social care.
 LO4 Apply law and policy in line with regulatory and ethical requirements in a relevant practice setting.

Transferable skills and competencies developed

Health and social care practitioners are regulated by, and must adhere to, a range of law and policy when working within the most common settings of health trusts, primary care and other public authority settings including those working in voluntary, non-profit, and private organisations. Students will develop effective reflective writing skills, exhibit analytical skills which is used to examines data to grasp issues, draw conclusions, and solve problems. Attention to detail is a key competence which enable students to diligently attends to details and pursues quality in accomplishing tasks. Students will be able to exercise decision making and judgment by making timely, informed decisions that consider the facts based on relevant law and policy working in health and social care sector.

Students will be able to work within the remits of ethics and codes of practice in their day-to-day work. Students will be able to access advice and guidance on legal issues relating to health, care and support service practice and provision.

Vocational scenario

You are the Training and Development Manager at "Harmony Care Services," a large organisation that provides both residential and community healthcare services. Harmony Care Services is committed to ensuring that all staff members, especially new recruits, understand the legal framework within which they operate. Your manager has asked you to prepare a report that will help new health and social care practitioners explore and understand the key legal aspects governing their practice. This Essay will address various areas, including the importance of understanding of how national government, and the structures within, impact on the work of healthcare practitioners, patient rights, Ethics and Professional conduct, and organisational responsibilities.

Assignment activity and guidance

Activity 1: Essay

Activity 1 Guidance
Explore the legal framework within which health and social care Practitioners operate. To do this, you are asked to write an essay that summarises important characteristics of the different levels of law and policy and describe the relationship between ethics and legislation to include an analysis and evaluation of the relationship between ethics and the law in terms of their relevance to own professional responsibilities and their impact on organisational policy and practice towards protecting the rights and maintaining the wellbeing of users in own country.

Describing key legislation, national and organisational policy of fundamental importance to the health, care, or support service practitioner, your essay should describe the relationship between key legislation and national policy, of direct relevance and must compare national and organisational policy against national professional standards in relation to their professional standards and impact on health and social care practice.

Activity 2: Professional discussion

Activity 2 Guidance
Interpret the law in relation to key ethical and professional Practice Themes in health and social care. To do this, during the professional discussion, explain how identified national and international law influence and inform the equitable and fair treatment of others in your residential and community healthcare organisation, how you can implement different and relevant legislation and policy regarding health and safety conduct in your practice. Then you are also required to analyse recent health and social care legislation or national policies in relation to their importance in informing health care practitioners of their rights and responsibilities to provide safe and equitable care.

In applying law and policy in line with regulatory and ethical requirements in a relevant practice setting, you are asked to provide a real case scenario and describe the relationship between law, policy and ethical requirements whilst delivering services to the individual in the scenario and then explain the impact of relevant law and policy on the individual’s outcome; Subsequently, critically review ways in which Healthcare practitioners can ensure that they are up to date and compliant with relevant legislation and national policies in their ethical practice in relation to a real case scenario.

Activity 3: Reflective account of your practice

Activity 3 Guidance
You must provide a reflective account of your practice by completing the Reflective log uploaded on Unit 1 Moodle. To do this, you are asked to reflect on ways in which specific tasks in your residential and community healthcare organisation meet national professional standards within a legal framework. You are also expected to reflect on how the application of chosen law, policy and ethical considerations might result in different individuals’ outcomes.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1: Explore the legal framework within which health and social care Practitioners operate


P1: Summarise key features of the different levels of law and policy.

P2: Describe the relationship between ethics and legislation in relation to the work of health and social care practitioners

M1: Analyse the relationship between ethics and the law in terms of their relevance to own professional responsibilities as a health or care practitioner

LO1 and LO2

D1 Evaluate the relationship between ethics and the law and their impact on organisational policy and practice towards protecting the rights and maintaining the wellbeing of users of health, care, or support services in own country

LO2: Describe key legislation, national and organisational policy of fundamental importance to the health, care, or support service practitioner

P3: Describe the relationship between key legislation and national policy, of direct relevance to health and social care practice.

P4: Compare national and organisational policy against national professional standards in terms of their professional standards in terms of their impact on health and social care practice

M2: Reflect on ways in which specific tasks in health, care or support service practice meet national professional standards within a legal framework.


LO3: Interpret the law in relation to key ethical and professional Practice Themes in health and social care


P5 Explain how specific national and international law influence and inform the equitable and fair treatment of others in health, care, and support services.

P6 Implement different and relevant legislation and policy in regard to safe and healthy conduct in own practice

M3 Analyse recent health and social care legislation or national policies in relation to their importance in informing rights and responsibilities of health, care, or support service practitioners to provide safe and equitable care



LO3 and LO4

D2 Critically review ways in which health, care and support service practitioners can ensure currency and compliance with relevant legislation and national policies through ethical practice in relation to a real case scenario

LO4 Apply law and policy in line with regulatory and ethical requirements in a relevant practice setting

P7 Describe the relationship between law, policy, and ethical requirements in relation to a real case scenario in a health or care setting.

P8 Explain the impact of relevant law and policy on the outcome of a real case scenario

M4 Explain in detail how chosen law, policy and ethical considerations might result in difference outcomes to the case scenario

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