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LO4: Critically evaluate different business analytical techniques as part of planning a data analytics initiative.

LO3: Critically appraise the presentation of data within a business environment

LO2: Explore how data analytics can be used within a business context

LO1: Critically evaluate the evolving use of data in solving business problems, presenting logical arguments based on evidence

This assessment is designed to gauge your understanding, skills and application of common data analysis techniques used in business and other organisations today.

Msc Management Data driven Decisions for Business

9. What statistical treatments can be done for qualitative research design? Explain each and what would likely be the results if with this statistical treatment?

8. What statistical treatments can be done for quantitative research design? Explain each and what would likely be the results if with this statistical treatment?

7. What are the skills needed in data handling? Why are they needed?

6. What are quantitative research methods and give its advantages and disadvantages. When is this method best used and why?

5. What are qualitative research methods, give its advantages and disadvantages. When is this best used and why?

4. What is Qualitative Research and how is the data collection analysis done?

3. What is Quantitative Research and how is the data collection analysis done?

2. What are the different research paradigms/ philosophies. When are they best used and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
