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Explain the roles of trade bodies and professional organisations within the marketing communications (advertising) industry

Identify reliable sources of information on how to interpret legal and industry standards relating to marketing communications (advertising)

Summarise key aspects of legal standards relating to marketing communications (advertising)

Evaluate the relative strengths and limitations of tools used within principal areas of marketing communications (advertising)

Explain the different focus of organisations offering creative, channel, platform and production services

1.1 Review current theories of marketing communications (advertising)

Report identified hazards and risks to the appropriate parties

Outline safe working practices in the creative media sector

2 Be able to comply with appropriate health and safety procedures

Discuss strengths and weaknesses in relation to own work and a specific job application

Explain how to choose an employer in terms of own personal interests, knowledge, skills and job requirements

Explain the main implications of each employment status, in relation to job security, flexibility and working patterns

Describe the key legal and taxation differences between main types of employment status

Describe the main types of employment status within the creative media sector
