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4.1 Analyse the requirements of relevant global process safety regulations in the UK, USA, European Union, and your country of work.

3. Implement Management of Change (MOC) in Process Safety Management System (PSM).

3.2 Develop an implementation plan that integrates new (additional) elements into an existing PSM

2.4 Develop an audit framework for process safety management that is fit for purpose

2.1 Develop a strategy for Process Safety Performance measurement

2. Measure the performance of the PSM system by applying leading, lagging metrics and Perform Compliance Audit of Process Safety Systems.

1.3 Evaluate the importance and role of integrating process safety management (PSM) with business management systems

1.1 Analyse the characteristics of Inherently Safer Designs (ISD) principles

Unit OHS604: Working with Hazards and Emergencies in Occupational Health and Safety

4.3 Analyse ways in which cost-effective recommendations can be made for improvements to control measures for hazardous substances.

4.1 Analyse the effectiveness of the risk evaluation process for hazardous substances.

3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of technical fire inspections, training, fire protection surveys and fire risk assessment.

2.4 Analyse in which cost-effective recommendations can be made for improvements to exposure to levels of vibration.

2.2 Analyse ways in which cost-effective solutions to risk assessment and mitigation arrangements can be made in high risk work environments.
