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LO2 - Critically examine and define health and social needs and distinguish between population needs and individual needs

LO1 - Critically evaluate the theoretical and conceptual components of needs assessment and evaluation.

2. Using appropriate section headings, provide a clear rationale for the choice of the health need under examination, your chosen area/population and the HNA approach adopted.

1. Identify a health need within a specific geographical area and/or for a specific population and outline the stages you would follow to carry out a Health Needs Assessment (HNA)

7HW142 Assessing the Health Needs of Populations

For the Academic Year 2023-24, the target country identified by Ian in his expert guest lecture on Mon 09 October is Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. The mode of entry requested is FDI (i.e. not exports).

7EC503 International Economics for Business and Finance

2. Critically evaluate current developments in international macroeconomic issues and their impact on business strategies and/or government policies.

1. Demonstrate critical understanding of the theoretical economic underpinnings of international trade and international finance.

7078HUM Principles and Practice of Education Management

Critically evaluate the factors affecting successful educational management, leadership, and administration.

Critically appraise and compare the benefits and challenges presented by different methodological approaches to education management, leadership and administration.

Critically assess fundamental theories and principles of education management, leadership, and administration.

In your work you will have to illustrate the article’s main assertions and discuss if you believe that what is proposed in it would be feasible in an educational context known to you, carrying out a critique of what the authors suggest.
